This website, is owned and operated by WRS Web Solutions Inc. Our company was Federally incorporated on 1 May 2010 in Canada, and is resident in the province of Ontario, Canada. For that reason all Canadian residents are changed applicable Canadian sales taxes. Non-Canadian residents are not.
Our company operates primarily in the English language with the exception of our dealings with the public and customers in the Province of Quebec, Canada, where we adhere to the laws regarding the French Language. Due to such, and the fact that due to technical reasons beyond our control, not all portions of this website are able to function in the French language, we are not actively offering the services on this website to residents of the Province of Quebec, Canada.
In many parts of Canada our company is also an Internet Service Provider (ISP) offering home internet plans over numerous cable TV and phone networks. (we do not own any lines/networks of our own, rather by arrangement, we pay to use them as and when we need to, if/where they are available to us).
If you have any questions about our company, or the products and services that we offer through our websites, please contact us, using the Contact form on this website. Questions may be in any language.